renovation & microfinance

No other agent or firm in Michiana can help you get a higher value from the sale of your home. That’s not just a clever tag line. That’s a fact. Here’s why.

Our Process Is Simple and with No Up-Front Costs

We assess the condition of the property and identify the likely sale price of your home as-is. If the market will support a higher price with targeted updating, we identify the likely sale price if improved.

project management

Our home buying process is the manageable and help you make the best decisions poWe provide private financing options to fund the project until closing if needed.* Timelines and budgets are kept in line by our staff project manager. All work is done by our insured and vetted vendors.ssible.

vendor day

Our project manager and subcontractors bid the work in one easy step, all in just one day. Then we build an impactful scope of work with high value. We always target a 2:1 return on dollars spent – or better.

see the results for yourself

Our team has used this simple process to help sellers whose homes have sat on the market for months or years with no sale. We have helped sellers who were underwater on their mortgage walk away from closing with cash in their pockets. But most of the people we have helped just had homes that could be offered at a significantly higher price with targeted updating. In just the first two years of our Renovation & Microfinance program, we have helped our clients realize over a quarter million dollars of additional equity in the sales of their homes.

The Residences on Notre Dame Avenue

Reach out today!

Have questions about a Showcase house? Contact us!

Five Corner Flats

Reserve Your Spot Now!

Please review the Reservation Agreement before submitting the form bellow.

Fill out the form below to start the reservation process. Once submitted you will receive an email with further instructions on how to submit your $10,000 refundable deposit. Your place in line has been reserved once payment is received.

*A $15.00 non-refundable Bank Fee applies to this transaction.

Five Corners Flats

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Information Packet Request

Eddy Square Informational Packet